
Einstellungen Anzeige

Parameter Anzeigelink

compass_screen_position und compass_map_positionlink

neu ab Version 
 # If and where to display a compass
 # 0=off (default for main screen)
 # 1=top, 2=vertical centre, 3=bottom, 4=left, 8=horizontal centre, 12=right
 # default for minimap is 1+12=13
 compass_screen_position = 0
 compass_map_position = 13

compass_screen_position legt die Possition des Kompasses auf dem Hauptbildschirm fest.
compass_map_position legt die Possition des Kompasses im Fenster Reliefkarte fest.
Der Wert ist die Summe der einzelnen Possitionsangaben.
Für oben links demzufolge 5 ( 1 ( oben/top ) + 4 ( links/left )). Für oben rechts entsprechend 13 ( 1 ( oben/top ) + 12 ( rechts/right )).


neu ab Version 0.100.0 
 # there are some other grounds (like rocky, lakes etc. )
 # which could be added to the map (default 10)
 # show random objects to break uniformity (every n suited tiles)
 random_grounds_probability = 10


neu ab Version 0.100.0 
 # show random moving animals (n = every n suited tiles, default 1000)
 random_wildlife_probability = 1000


neu ab Version 0.99.17 
 # animate the water each intervall (if images available)
 # costs some time for the additional redraw (~1-3%)
 water_animation_ms = 250

Dieser Parameter definiert, wie schnell die Animation des Wassers ist, sofern das Pakset eine ground.water.pak mit Animations-Grafiken enthält. Die Angabe erfolgt in Millisekunden. Der Wert 0 schaltet die Animation ab.


 # Do you want to have random pedestrians in town? Look nice but needs some
 # CPU time to process them. (1=on, 0=off)
 # Impact on frame time: ~10% (16 cities on a new standard map)
 random_pedestrians = 1

Soll es "zufällige Fussgänger" in den Städten geben (1=ja, 0=nein)? Dies ist eine reine Anzeigeoption, das Passagieraufkommen wird dadurch nicht beeinflusst. Man kann die Funktion also unbesorgt ausschalten und damit etwa 10% Framezeit Sparen.


 # Show info windows for private cars and pedestrians?
 # (1=on, 0=off)
 pedes_and_car_info = 0

Sollen für private Autos und Fussgänger Infofenster angezeigt werden? (1=ja, 0=nein)


 # How much citycars will be generated
 citycar_level = 5

citycar_life und default_citycar_lifelink

bis Version 0.99.10 
 # After how many tiles a citycar breaks (and will be forever gone) ...
 # the value is in ms game time, with bits_per_month=18, one year=(2~094~18)*12~094~=3,145,728
 # default is ten years (31457280) respective 2,5 years bits_per_month or about 9h real time
 citycar_life = 35000000

Nach wie vielen Millisekunden geht ein Stadtauto (nicht die Spielerfahrzeuge) kaputt, und verschwindet für immer.

ab Version 0.99.11 
 # After how many month a citycar breaks (and will be forever gone) ...
 # default is ten years
 default_citycar_life = 120

Die Einstellung wurde in Version 0.99.11 auf Monate umgestellt, mit einem geänderten Parameternamen.


 # (=1) drive on the left side of the road
 drive_left = 0

Schaltet Linksverkehr ein (1) oder aus (0). Für Spieler aus GB, Hong Kong und wo sonst noch links gefahren wird.


 # (=1) signals on the left side
 signals_on_left = 0


 # Show infos on trees?
 # (1=on, 0=off)
 tree_info = 1

Infofenster für Bäume anzeigen (1=ja, 0=nein).


ab Version 0.99.xx
 # Show infos also on bare ground?
 # (1=on, 0=off)
 ground_info = 0

Infofenster für unbebauten Grund anzeigen (1=ja, 0=nein).


 # Show passenger level of townhalls? (1=on, 0=off)
 townhall_info = 0

Die Passagierrate der Rathäuser anzeigen (1=ja, 0=nein).


 # always open only a single info window for the ground,
 # even if there are more objects on this tile
 only_single_info = 1

Verhindert, dass bei der Abfrage einer Kachel (mit dem Anzeigewerkzeug) mehrere Infofenster übereinander geöffnet werden. (1=ja, 0=nein).


 # Should stations get numbered names? (1=yes, 0=no)
 numbered_stations = 0

Wenn eingeschaltet (1) werden die Stationen durchnumeriert. Wer seine Stationen nicht umbenennt, sollte diese Option einschalten, da es doppelte Stationsnamen geben kann.

Sofern eine streetlist.txt genutzt werden soll, muss diese Option ausgeschaltet werden.


 # Show name signs and statistic?
 # 0 = don't show anything
 # 1 = station names
 # 2 = statistics
 # 3 = names and statistics
 show_names = 3

Legt die Anzeige der Stationsinfos bei Spielstart fest.
0 - bedeutet keine Anzeige
1 - zeigt nur den Namen der Station in einem Schild darüber an
2 - zeigt nur die Waren-Statistik über der Haltestelle
3 - zeigt den Namen und die Waren-Statistik der Haltestelle an
Die Anzeige kann im laufenden Spiel durch drücken von Image Image umgeschaltet werden.

zusätzlich ab Version
 # The visual style is added to this number:
 #   0 = black name in color box
 #   4 = name in player color with outline
 #   8 = box left of name in yellow outline


 # if run on a mobile device, setting hide_keyboard=1 will only show the keyboard
 # when there is text to input in a dialog. Other than that textinput will not
 # be possible (no keyboard short cuts).
 # Currently only supported with SDL2
 hide_keyboard = 0


 # if defined, the default tool will try to calculate straight ways (like OpenTTD)
 straight_way_without_control = 0


 # player color can be fixed for several players or set totally random
 # in the latter case each player will get unique but random coloring
 # (default 0)
 random_player_colors = 0


 # when set here, the player will always get these player colors, even
 # if random colors were enabled.
 # color values range from 0 to 27 for first and second player color
 # and there are 0...15 player in the game
 player_color[1] = 1,4


 # Should either account (default) or net wealth be shown below the screen?
player_finance_display_account = 1


 # remove companies without convoys after x month (0=off, 6=default)
 remove_dummy_player_months = 6


 # remove password of abandoned companies (without any building activity) after x month (0=off default)
 unprotect_abandoned_player_months = 0


 # Do you want to have random pedestrians in town? Look nice but needs some
 # CPU time to process them. (1=on, 0=off)
 # Impact on frame time: ~10% (16 cities on a new standard map)
 random_pedestrians = 1


 # Do you want to have random pedestrians after pax are reaching this
 # destination? May generate quite a lot. (1=on, 0=off)
 stop_pedestrians = 1


 # there are some other grounds (like rocky, lakes etc. )
 # which could be added to the map (default 10)
 # show random objects to break uniformity (every n suited tiles)
 random_grounds_probability = 10


 # show random moving animals (n = every n suited tiles, default 1000)
 random_wildlife_probability = 1000


 # do not show the button to add an inverted schedule for rail based convoys
 # (1=hide, 0=show anyway)
 hide_rail_return_ticket = 1


 # don not show the buttons to delete old savegames (default)
 show_delete_buttons = 0


 # Draw the earth slope to mark the border (default 1 on)
 draw_earth_border = 1


 # Tile the outside with the ground.ouside.pak (default 0 off)
 draw_outside_tile = 0


 # Color of background outside the map, default: COL_GREY2 (210)
 # background_color = 210


 # You can use a system font. BUT you must specify the whole path to it!
 # This can be only set in the user defined


ab Version >0.122.0
 # if set to 1 (default) the numpad will always move the map.
 # if set to 0, it will always produce numbers
 numpad_always_moves_map = 1

Deaktiviert die Kartensteuerung über den Ziffernblock.

ab Version >0.122.0
 # Position of the main menu bar (0=top, 1=left, 2=bottom, 3=right)
 #menubar_position = 0

Legt die Position des Hauptmenüs fest. Die Option befindet sich auch in den Anzeigeeinstellungen im Spiel.


ab Version >0.122.0
 # 1=selecting a tool again will close it (0=will be topped/reinit)
 #reselect_closes_tool = 1

Deaktiviert das gewählte Tool durch erneute Anwahl.


 # show a tooltip on convoys at several conditions
 # 0 no messages
 # 1 (default) only no_route and stuck
 # loading and waiting at signals too
 #show_vehicle_states = 1


 # show (default) tiles with a halt when editing a schedule
 #visualize_schedule = 1


neu ab Version 0.121.0 
 # If a convoi which you are following enters a tunnel, what to do
 # 0=do not change view, 1=switch to underground mode and back, 2=switch to sliced underground mode
 #follow_convoi_underground = 2


# special pak set colors for day and night
special_color[0]=0x57, 0x65, 0x6F, 0xD3, 0xC3, 0x80 // Dark windows, lit yellowish at night
special_color[1]=0x7F, 0x9B, 0xF1, 0x80, 0xC3, 0xD3 // Lighter windows, lit blueish at night
special_color[2]=0xFF, 0xFF, 0x53, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x53 // Yellow light
special_color[3]=0xFF, 0x21, 0x1D, 0xFF, 0x21, 0x1D // Red light
special_color[4]=0x01, 0xDD, 0x01, 0x01, 0xDD, 0x01 // Green light
special_color[5]=0x6B, 0x6B, 0x6B, 0x6B, 0x6B, 0x6B // Non-darkening grey 1 (menus)
special_color[6]=0x9B, 0x9B, 0x9B, 0x9B, 0x9B, 0x9B // Non-darkening grey 2 (menus)
special_color[7]=0xB3, 0xB3, 0xB3, 0xB3, 0xB3, 0xB3 // non-darkening grey 3 (menus)
special_color[8]=0xC9, 0xC9, 0xC9, 0xC9, 0xC9, 0xC9 // Non-darkening grey 4 (menus)
special_color[9]=0xDF, 0xDF, 0xDF, 0xDF, 0xDF, 0xDF // Non-darkening grey 5 (menus)
special_color[10]=0xE3, 0xE3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE3 // Nearly white light at day, yellowish light at night
special_color[11]=0xC1, 0xB1, 0xD1, 0xD3, 0xC3, 0x80 // Windows, lit yellow
special_color[12]=0x4D, 0x4D, 0x4D, 0xD3, 0xC3, 0x80 // Windows, lit yellow
special_color[13]=0xE1, 0x00, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0x00, 0xE1 // purple light for signals
special_color[14]=0x01, 0x01, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x01, 0xFF // blue light

Mit diesen Parameter können die Spezialfarben umdefiniert werden.

Die Angaben 1 - 3 nach dem = entsprechen den Orginalfarben. Die Angaben 4 - 6 nach dem = definieren die Ersetzungsfarbe.


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