
Private cars

Private cars

In Simutrans-Standard, passengers will always use the player's transport network if available. The number of private cars visible in the map bears an approximate relationship to the number of passengers who want to be transported but cannot find a route on the player's transport. This does not vary over time.

In Simutrans-Extended, some passengers have access to a private car. The proportion of such passengers varies with time (the figures are set in a special file named - the default version is based on UK government statistics), but generally increases as time progresses. Whether passengers prefer to use a private car or a player's transport will depend mainly on the which mode of transport has the lower door to door journey time. However, a certain proportion of passengers will always prefer to use a private car provided that there is an available private car route to their destination and the journey time for using a private car is within their journey time tolerance. Every private car trip generates congestion in the cities to, from or within which private cars travel. The more congested that a city, the slower that private car journeys in that city will be, and the more likely that passengers will use a player's transport instead. Congestion impacts adversely on the rate of growth of a city, and, if it is too severe (100 or more on the graph), stops it from growing entirely. Players can relieve congestion by improving passenger transport in and around the city. The number of private car trips is always directly proportionate to the number of private car graphics visible in the main game window. The "citycar_level" parameter in scales non-linearly: 16 is equivalent to an average car occupancy of 1, and 11 (the default for version 9.3 onwards) is equivalent to an average car occupancy of 1.6. Some private cars have express origins and destinations (which are shown in their information window when the user clocks on them), and visibly tend to travel towards their destinations (although, to save CPU time, they do not have carefully calculated routes in the same way as player transport); this part of the feature was written by Prissi, the main developer of Simutrans-Standard, but is not operational in the released version of Simutrans-Standard. The version in Simutrans-Extendedis modified to control the number of private cars in the game world more effectively. The destinations of passengers who undertake their journey by private car is shown as turquoise on the passenger destinations map.

The game will check to see whether two towns are connected by road (and, if so, how long/fast that the road connexion is), and whether passengers will take their private cars or not will depend on whether the destination (be it an industry, attraction or building in another city) is connected by road to the origin, and the relative journey times by road and by player's transport. Note that this feature can be disabled by setting "assume_everywhere_connected_by_road=1" in, in which case the game will proceed on the assumption that everywhere is connected by an average sort of road.

Private cars can generate road tolls for players who build private roads and allow access to the public player; if access to the public player is not allowed, private cars cannot use a player's private road.

Note that how congested that cities get, the proportion of people who prefer to use private cars either generally, or all the time, and some other related matters can be customised in

The aim of this feature is to provide more depth and interest in relation to the simulation of passenger transport, and also to provide additional challenges for players with well-developed networks, who will have to deal with additional competition from private cars, and make difficult but interesting decisions about whether, and if so, by how much, to cut back on transport connexions to smaller towns when private car usage increases (knowing that some of the connexions might need to be restored if congestion becomes a problem in those towns).
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